On a daily basis, independent school leaders are often faced with the challenge of prioritizing the many responsibilities involved with running a school. For example, taking the time to learn more about the students. Mike Truesdell draws on experience and offers some sage advice on how to find ways to engage with students while balancing the demands of being a president/head of school.
Search Consultant, Karen Neitzel sits down with Head of School, Aracelis Maldonado to discover more about her career trajectory and how she fosters leadership in the schools where she leads.
What is considered interview attire in a modern world? Schools are looking for individuals who demonstrate their authentic self. We simplify the decision process by suggesting 3 main themes to consider.
Former Holton-Arms Head of School, Susanna Jones, discusses the inspiring role of being a girls' school leader along with other valuable quotes and anecdotes from other respected girls' school heads from across the United States.
Three quick tips that can set you apart in your next job search! Learn more about the important strategies to use when you sit down to write your next cover letter.
Carney, Sandoe & Associates announces two new summer institutes! The Well will focus on support for heads and senior leaders of color, while The Green Mountain institute will address the relationship between chairs and heads of school.