Step Up & Stand Out

A Webinar Series for Senior Leaders & Heads in International Schools

30-minute sessions offering bite-sized advice to prepare you for landing a leadership position.


Thank you for joining us in November and December! All recordings are below.

What is Your Screen Saying About You? – Session 1

You’ve made it to the semi-finalist stage for a headship or senior leadership position. Whether you are an aspiring or experienced leader, interviews, especially virtual ones, provoke anxiety. How do you present who you are as a leader in the best possible way? What type of room background and lighting are best for a video interview? How might you use notes inconspicuously? What about the role of non verbals? How do you control your nerves and present who you are with authenticity?

Is Your Resume Eye-Catching? – Session 2

More often than not, as a job seeker your resume precedes you. It is the first impression a potential school has of you-and it is usually a quick one. What distinguishes the resumes from others that blend into the proverbial pile? How to best capture your accomplishments and communicate your leadership strengths on paper? Does formatting, color, and sequence make a difference?

To Say or Not to Say? – Session 3

Whether you are an aspiring or experienced leader, it can feel daunting to prepare for the “content” aspect of an interview. There are hundreds of potential questions about the leadership of a school, but it’s next to impossible to predict which ones might be selected for your conversation. How should you best prepare? What types of questions might be asked? How might your responses be evaluated?

Associated Resources

Session 1: A Guide to Acing a Headship Interview

Session 2: Eye-Catching Resumes for a Headship Are Accomplishment Driven

Session 3: The Short Guide to Preparing for a Headship Interview

Carney, Sandoe & Associates | (617) 542-0260 | Interested in finding a school job you love?

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